Sales Representative NOC Code – NOC 64101

NOC Version: NOC 2021 Version 1.0

Position Summary for NOC 64101 - Sales and account representatives - wholesale trade (non-technical)

Sales representatives in the wholesale trade (non-technical) sector, represented by the National Occupation Classification (NOC) code 64101, play a crucial role in selling a wide variety of non-technical goods and services to clients domestically and internationally. These professionals are employed by a diverse range of establishments, including those in the petroleum, food and beverage, clothing, and transportation industries, among others. They are responsible for promoting sales to existing clients, identifying potential clients, and providing clients with presentations on the benefits and uses of goods or services. Additionally, they may negotiate prices, prepare or oversee the preparation of sales contracts, and resolve post-sale problems or provide ongoing support to clients.

In the dynamic landscape of Canada’s economy, each of these terms plays a vital role in understanding the diverse range of occupations and opportunities available across the country. By exploring search and government resources, one can find valuable information on the various retail and wholesale jobs, as well as occupational insights that highlight the growth and development in these sectors. The national accounts and statistics provide a comprehensive overview of employment trends and prospects within the Canadian retail and wholesale industries, ensuring that job seekers and businesses alike can make informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

In Canada, the wholesale and retail industries play a significant role in the national economy, with various government resources and account systems in place to track and analyze these sectors. The search for information on national accounts, occupational trends, and government resources can provide valuable insights into the current state and future prospects of these industries. By exploring the available data, one can gain a better understanding of the employment opportunities, economic contributions, and the overall health of the Canadian wholesale and retail sectors.

In conclusion, Canada’s diverse and dynamic economy offers a wide range of occupations across various sectors, including wholesale and retail. By leveraging search and government resources, one can find valuable information on national accounts, occupational trends, and account systems to better understand the opportunities and challenges within these sectors. The National Occupational Classification (NOC) system provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the skill requirements and responsibilities associated with different occupations, making it an invaluable tool for job seekers, employers, and policymakers alike. Ultimately, a thorough exploration of these resources can help guide individuals in making informed decisions about their careers in Canada’s vibrant and ever-evolving economic landscape.

Job Titles Specific for NOC 64101 in Canada

  • Advertising time sales representative
  • Food products sales representative
  • Freight sales agent
  • Graphic design sales representative
  • Hotel accommodations sales executive
  • Liquor sales representative
  • Magazine sales representative
  • Oil distributor
  • Security services sales consultant
  • Transfer company agent
  • Wholesale trade representatives supervisor

Main Responsibilities common for NOC 64101 in Canada

  1. Promoting sales to existing clients by maintaining strong relationships and understanding their evolving needs.
  2. Identifying and soliciting potential clients to expand the customer base and increase sales.
  3. Providing clients with presentations on the benefits and uses of goods or services to help them make informed purchasing decisions.
  4. Estimating or quoting prices, credit or contract terms, warranties, and delivery dates to facilitate sales transactions.
  5. Preparing or overseeing the preparation of sales or other contracts, ensuring all necessary details are covered and accurately represented.
  6. Consulting with clients after sales or signed contracts to resolve problems and provide ongoing support, ensuring customer satisfaction.
  7. Reviewing and adapting to information regarding product innovations, competitors, and market conditions to stay ahead in the industry.
  8. Representing companies that export and import products or services to and from foreign countries, navigating international trade regulations and processes.
  9. Conducting sales transactions through Internet-based electronic commerce, leveraging technology to reach a wider customer base.
  10. Possibly supervising the activities of other sales representatives, providing guidance and support to ensure overall team performance.

Job Requirements for NOC 64101 in Canada

  1. Education and Experience: A university degree or college diploma in a program related to the product or service being sold is usually preferred. However, for some roles, a high school diploma or equivalent may be accepted, especially if the candidate has relevant experience in sales or a technical occupation related to the product or service.
  2. Communication Skills: Strong communication skills are essential for sales representatives, as they need to effectively communicate with clients, understand their needs, and provide clear information about the products or services they are selling. This includes both verbal and written communication skills.
  3. Customer Service Skills: Sales representatives must be able to provide excellent customer service, ensuring client satisfaction and maintaining good relationships with clients. This involves being responsive to client inquiries, addressing any issues or concerns, and providing ongoing support.
  4. Sales Skills: Sales representatives need to be skilled in identifying potential clients, promoting sales to existing clients, and closing sales. They should be able to negotiate prices and terms, prepare or oversee the preparation of sales contracts, and resolve any post-sale problems or provide ongoing support.
  5. Technical Skills: Depending on the specific products or services being sold, sales representatives may need to have a good understanding of the technical aspects of the products or services. This could involve understanding the features, benefits, and uses of the products or services, as well as staying up-to-date with industry trends and product knowledge.
  6. Language Skills: Fluency in a foreign language and/or foreign country work or travel experience may be required for sales representatives seeking employment with companies that import or export goods or services.
  7. Physical Demands: Sales representatives may need to travel to meet with clients or attend trade shows or other events. This could involve working long hours, including evenings and weekends, and being able to handle the physical demands of travel.

Median Hourly Wages by Provinces

  • Canada (Overall): $30.03
  • Alberta: $29.50
  • British Columbia: $28.85
  • Manitoba: $25.00
  • New Brunswick: $24.04
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: $26.00
  • Northwest Territories: $39.24
  • Nova Scotia: $24.00
  • Nunavut: $35.00
  • Ontario: $28.39
  • Prince Edward Island: $24.00
  • Quebec: $27.47
  • Saskatchewan: $27.00
  • Yukon: $36.00

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