NOC 21234 – Web developers and programmers

NOC Version: NOC 2021 Version 1.0

Position Summary for NOC 21234 – Web developers and programmers

Web developers and programmers (NOC 21234) in Canada are professionals who specialize in the development, creation, and maintenance of websites and web applications. They are responsible for coding and programming the functionality of websites, ensuring optimal performance across various browsers and devices, and often collaborating closely with other team members, such as graphic designers and content creators, to produce user-friendly and visually appealing web solutions. Their roles are integral to the digital presence and performance of businesses and organizations.

Job Titles Specific for NOC 21234 in Canada

  • Web Developer
  • Web Programmer
  • Front-End Developer
  • Back-End Developer
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Web Application Developer
  • Website Designer
  • JavaScript Developer
  • UI/UX Developer
  • Web Content Developer

Main Responsibilities common for NOC 21234 in Canada

The main responsibilities of Web Developers and Programmers (NOC 21234) in Canada include designing and developing websites and web applications, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and responsive design, implementing and maintaining website back-end functionality, and optimizing web pages for maximum speed and scalability. They also involve testing websites for usability and fixing bugs, updating websites to meet changing requirements, and collaborating with other team members, such as graphic designers and content writers, to ensure a cohesive and user-friendly web experience.

Job Requirements for NOC 21234 in Canada

Job requirements for Web Developers and Programmers (NOC 21234) in Canada typically include a post-secondary degree or diploma in computer science, web design, or a related field. Proficiency in web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular is essential. Experience in developing responsive and user-friendly websites, knowledge of SEO principles, and familiarity with database management are also crucial. Strong problem-solving skills, creativity, and the ability to work in a team environment are important. Some roles may require specific experience with content management systems or e-commerce platforms.

Median Hourly Wages by Provinces

  • Canada-wide: CAD 36.06
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: CAD 35.94
  • Prince Edward Island: CAD 32.80
  • Nova Scotia: CAD 32.73
  • New Brunswick: CAD 29.97
  • Quebec: CAD 33.23
  • Ontario: CAD 36.06
  • Manitoba: CAD 33.65
  • Saskatchewan: CAD 31.76
  • Alberta: CAD 36.07
  • British Columbia: CAD 36.72

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