NOC 21223 – Database analysts and data administrators

NOC Version: NOC 2021 Version 1.0

Position Summary for NOC 21223 in Canada – Database analysts and data administrators

NOC 21223 in Canada designates Database Analysts and Data Administrators, professionals who are central to managing and organizing vast amounts of information in various systems. These analysts and administrators are tasked with the crucial job of ensuring data integrity, privacy, and security within organizations. Their roles have become increasingly significant following the 2021 updates to the NOC, which further clarified and expanded the scope of responsibilities in this field. As specialists, they conduct thorough searches to optimize database performance, implement data management policies, and ensure compliance with government regulations on data privacy and security. For individuals seeking jobs in this occupation or employers looking to hire, it’s essential to understand the specific terms and qualifications associated with NOC 21223. This understanding is particularly vital for immigration purposes, as the demand for skilled database professionals continues to grow in Canada. Prospective candidates and employers are encouraged to contact relevant immigration services to navigate the requirements and opportunities associated with this vital occupation in the Canadian job market.

Job Titles Specific for NOC 21223 in Canada

  • Database Analyst
  • Data Administrator
  • SQL Database Developer
  • Data Warehouse Specialist
  • Database Systems Manager
  • Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst
  • Database Security Administrator
  • Data Management Consultant
  • Relational Database Developer
  • NoSQL Database Developer
  • Data Integrity Analyst
  • Cloud Database Administrator
  • Data Governance Coordinator
  • Database Migration Specialist
  • Big Data Administrator

Main Responsibilities common for NOC 21223 in Canada

1. Database Systems Management

  • Database Analysts and Administrators are responsible for the design, implementation, and maintenance of database systems, ensuring optimal performance and reliability in handling vast volumes of information. They regularly evaluate and update these systems to meet evolving needs and ensure compliance with the latest government privacy regulations in Canada.

2. Data Integrity and Privacy Assurance

  • Ensuring the integrity and privacy of data within systems is a key responsibility, involving rigorous application of security measures and adherence to national and international data protection standards. These professionals conduct regular audits and implement safeguarding protocols to protect sensitive information, in line with government mandates on data privacy.

3. User Support and Training

  • Providing technical support and training to users is essential in ensuring efficient and effective use of database systems. Database Analysts and Administrators facilitate user education on system functionalities and best practices for data handling, enhancing job performance across various sectors.

4. Data Analysis and Optimization

  • Conducting in-depth data analysis to identify trends, inefficiencies, and opportunities for system optimization is a critical job function. These analysts employ advanced search techniques and tools to extract actionable insights from data, driving strategic decisions and process improvements.

5. Policy Development and Compliance Monitoring

  • Developing and enforcing data management policies and procedures is a key responsibility, ensuring alignment with legal requirements and organizational goals. Database Administrators and Analysts closely monitor compliance with these policies, particularly in terms of privacy and security, to mitigate risks and uphold regulatory standards.

6. Collaboration and Communication

  • Effective collaboration with IT teams, management, and external stakeholders is essential for aligning database strategies with organizational objectives. These professionals serve as a vital contact point for discussions on data management needs, system enhancements, and compliance issues, facilitating informed decision-making.

7. Research and Continuous Improvement

  • Engaging in continuous research to stay abreast of advancements in database technology, management practices, and regulations is crucial. This ongoing search for knowledge enables Database Analysts and Administrators to implement innovative solutions and best practices, ensuring systems remain robust and effective in meeting current and future demands.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, NOC 21223 professionals play a pivotal role in managing the backbone of digital infrastructure in Canada. Their expertise ensures that organizations can rely on secure, efficient, and compliant database systems, contributing significantly to operational success and strategic development.

Job Requirements for NOC 21223 in Canada

1. Systems Development and Maintenance

  • Database Analysts and Administrators are tasked with developing, configuring, and maintaining database systems to ensure they meet organizational needs. This includes regular updates and modifications to keep systems efficient and in line with the evolving job requirements within Canada, reflecting updates such as those seen in the 2021 NOC revisions.

2. Data Privacy and Security Management

  • Ensuring the privacy and security of data within these systems is a fundamental job responsibility. Analysts and Administrators implement robust security measures and conduct privacy audits to comply with government regulations, safeguarding sensitive information against unauthorized access and breaches.

3. User Support and Consultation

  • Providing expert support and consultation to system users is a key aspect of their job. Analysts and Administrators assist with queries, troubleshoot issues, and offer guidance on best practices for data handling and system utilization, ensuring users across various jobs in Canada can effectively leverage these resources.

4. Data Analysis and Optimization

  • Conducting thorough data analysis to identify system improvements and optimization opportunities is crucial. Database professionals utilize advanced search techniques to extract insights and enhance system performance, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of data management practices.

5. Policy Development and Compliance

  • Developing data management policies and ensuring compliance with these terms, particularly concerning data protection, is a critical responsibility. Analysts and Administrators stay informed about government legislation and industry standards to ensure systems adhere to the latest legal requirements.

6. Training and Documentation

  • Database Analysts and Data Administrators are responsible for creating comprehensive documentation and conducting training sessions. This ensures that all users, regardless of their job role, are well-informed about system functionalities and data management practices.

7. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement

  • Engaging with various stakeholders, including IT teams, management, and government bodies, is essential for aligning database strategies with organizational goals and compliance requirements. Analysts and Administrators serve as key points of contact for discussions related to database systems and data management.

8. Continuous Learning and Innovation

  • Keeping abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in database management is imperative. This continuous search for knowledge allows Analysts and Administrators to introduce innovative solutions and improvements, ensuring that database systems remain state-of-the-art and capable of meeting the dynamic needs of jobs across Canada.

Median Hourly Wages by Provinces

  • Canada (Overall): $40.87 CAD
  • Alberta: $42.00 CAD
  • British Columbia: $38.00 CAD
  • Manitoba: $41.33 CAD
  • New Brunswick: $34.62 CAD
  • Newfoundland and Labrador: $42.21 CAD
  • Nova Scotia: $36.06 CAD
  • Ontario: $41.35 CAD
  • Prince Edward Island: $32.55 CAD
  • Quebec: $38.00 CAD

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